Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day and as my own children are still sleeping in their bed's I cannot help but think about my own Mom. My Mom passed away almost 11 years ago and I cannot help but to think about her almost daily still.

My Mom was a very special woman, she grew up very poor and spent most of her life in foster care. When she was in her early 20's she met my Dad and they got married and had 3 girls. From countless stories, I have heard it was not an easy marriage, but my Mom stayed and my Dad passed away in 1976 when I was almost 2. At this point my Mom had three children ages 1, 3, 5 and no education and no job. She had never balanced a checkbook or anything. My own grandma (Dad's Mom) tried to get her to give us up for adoption, she refused.

I know my Mom had some hard times, but the thing was she was always there for us, she did everything possible for us, and we knew she loved us. I fondly remember trips to the beach in the summer, going for ice cream and holidays that she did everything possible to make special.

Mom passed away very unexpectedly in the Summer of 1998. I have always had a hard time dealing with her death, but I just know that she is looking down and sees how my life has turned out and is proud of how I have turned out.

I know with my own children that I have always tried to do special things with them, because honestly when they are all grown up they will look back and remember that I did things with them and that I loved them, no matter what.

To me being a good Mom boils down to one thing which is did I try? If I did then all is well, if I put my all into it, then this is a great thing, but if I took the easy way out then we have a problem.

So today, I am wishing all the Mom's out there a Happy Mother's Day, and to my own Mom who I believe is looking down at me, smiling at the person I have become...Happy Mother's Day. I love you.

Friday, April 17, 2009

My loser ex & why I am glad I am outta there

I just found out through the grapevine that my ex husband, Boo's Bio Dad and his new wife are expecting. Now I am not bashing the fact that he is having another child. I am upset with the fact that he will now be having yet another child that he cannot support. He has three children already, Boo and two other kids from his first marriage. He is not working and CSE is now going after him for the child support that he does owe.

Let's also look at the fact that not only does he not have a job, he is driving around in a car that has no insurance, and the tag expired in 2007.

He also has not seen my precious boo in just about 2 yrs. I will never forget the night he left, he said to my precious boo, "I am leaving now, soon you will get a new daddy" I was repulsed at this.

She is so much better off now, she has pretty much forgotten the abuse that was in the home and the abuse that she suffered.

Every single time I look at my daughter I am so glad that I left and gave my children a better life. They will never have to fear going home or fear the abuse that they had to put up with. I really wish I could turn back the clock and never even talked to the loser who is now my x husband.

I am all for having children if you can afford too. I am not saying that you have to have a ton of money in the bank, but IMHO you should insure your car before you even think of having a child.

Anyway, I am glad that I left that horrible relationship, and my life is so much better off.

Honestly the best thing he has ever done is to just leave my boo alone, for this I am ever so thankful for. At least now my darling baby girl has a chance of a normal, happy life.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

All Registered & so excited!

Ever since I can remember I wanted to be a lawyer. I had dreams of going to law school and just making a difference in the world. That is until I discovered boys. When I got pregnant with ODD15 I was 18 and dropped out of high school. MDD13 followed a couple of years later. By then I was resigned to the fact that probably my only job in life was going to be that as a Mom. Well when I divorced a year after giving birth to MDD13 I took any job I could. I was dirt poor and college was the furthest thing from my mind. Heck I did not even have a high school diploma.

Then I met X2, and from the start our marriage was rocky. It was abusive and everything bad all rolled into one. The only good thing I got out of that marriage was my Boo who is now 5. I had talked about going back to school. It always turned into a fight about how I was stupid and we could not afford it. By the time I married him I had gotten my GED.

I figured I would just work the rest of my life and so on. I was working for the State and things were good. I was going through another divorce and then I met FI, who is really who I should have married. This man is truly amazing. When I got laid off along with about 50 other people he did not flinch, told me we would make it. I could not find a job and finally found a waitressing job, where my tips were piddly and my paychecks were bouncing. I was frustrated and he told me to quit, because the stress was not worth it.

Finally a couple of months ago when I was frustrated that I could not find a job, it finally dawned on me. I would have a much better shot if I had an education. I did some research and went to FI about it. His response "Go for it" Man do I love him.

So I decided to go for my paralegal degree and all the financial aspects of it are taken care of. I registered for my classes yesterday and I am so excited. I know this will not be easy, but here I am 34 years old and am going to be starting college. I am so excited.

And then I start thinking about my Mom. She always told me how smart I was and how proud she was of me, even after I made mistakes. She passed away almost 11 years ago and I just know that she is looking down and is so proud of the way my life has turned out. Yes, I have had several bumps in the road but when it comes down to it, I do my best for my girls.

I know that now my life is looking good. I have choices that I did not have even 2 years ago. Life is great and for this I am ever so thankful. I just think back to have things were 2-3 years ago and it seems that it is a different person living that life.

I know I am headed in the right direction. It is funny, X1, ODD & MDD's Dad and I were talking awhile back and he looks at me and says "I am so proud of you" My life has changed drastically and he knows this.

I am quite proud of myself only if I can project how important college is to ODD who is really just focused on her boyfriend lately. One can hope.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Life and the choices we make

Life is so weird. It is amazing to think that choices that you make when you are 17 or 18 years old will effect the rest of your life. Today I am going to blog about my sister, who is 2 years older than me and how her life has turned out because of choices she has made.

T, was in love with her high school sweetheart, J, who really pretty much treated her like crap. The summer before her senior year she got pregnant. They did not realize the impact of not using birth control. She ended up having a miscarriage and was devasted. To make matters worse while she was in the hospital recovering from this, he was out with a close friend of hers and got her pregnant. When she went back to school in the fall, him and his now pregnant girlfriend spread a horrible rumor that she had an abortion. She was taunted daily. She ended up dropping out.

Her self esteem was very low at this point. She then met a man named Steve, who made her feel pretty and all the important things. By this time we are living in Florida, and her and steve left in the middle of the night, we did not hear a word from her for months, until she showed up with bruises all over her body and pregnant. She never heard from Steve again. She went on to have a little girl, named T, who is now 17 yrs old. She then went through several relationships and wound up pregnant wth another little girl, K, who is now 15. She finally settled down and got married and had yet another girl, D, who is 11.

T, who is now 17, has pretty much always had problems. She was ADD and ADHD and would go spastic on you. She was diagnosed with Bi-Polar and other mental issues.

My sister said that as long as T got what she wanted she was fine, but when you put your foot down she would go ballistic. She is now a big girl, weighs at least 200 lbs and has been out of control for a long time. My sister had no idea what to do. For the past year or so she has started to hurt herself, and said that she would blame my sister and her husband. My sister finally found out how true this statement is on Wednesday afternoon. T did not get off the bus, she called the school and noone said anything other than the fact that she was in school. They were assigned a social worker after T's latest hospital stay, and they have had a problem with T running away. They called the social worker and said that they thought she had run away. The social worker said that she was now in state custody because of abuse, and they would be investagiting my sisters other two children.

Last night, Thursday, they came and took the other two kids. My sister is devestated. She does not know what to do, and IMO has always tried to do the right thing, but because of her poor choices and lack of income and education has no choice but to now to try fight for her children.

I have spent the last couple of days looking back at our childhood. We grew up in a single parent home (Dad died when I was 1) My Mom raised three girls on her own with zero help from the outside. It was tough and we struggled a lot, but I always knew that my Mom loved us.

My oldest sister, C, lost custody of her own three children almost 10 years ago, and to this day is still fighting for them. It is such a sad situation.

I really do not know what to do for T, other than to be there for her and make some phone calls. I am by no way educated (Although I am going to start college in a few weeks) I am worried immensely about the children and really do not even know what to say to my sister, other than call the lawyer that was appointed to you. I am calling DCF today and checking on the children. I am scared, and if I am scared I cannot imagine what my sister is feeling.

So if you are reading this please say a prayer for my family.

Today I will be talking to my daughters about what is going on and hopefully they will realize that we all have choices in life, whether we make the right choice or the wrong one that is all up to us.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Baby is growing up

I really cannot believe my Boo is growing up. She will be 6 this year and starting kindergarten. WOW! Where has all the time gone?

I really hate to say this, but I am closer to her than my other girls. I think this could be for a number of reasons. First when she was born she almost died, and I do not think I have ever been so scared my whole life. Every single time that we thought she was fine, she would turn grey/blue and start choking. We eventually after about a day moved her to a children's hospital a few hours away.

I have always had the utmost faith in doctors. Maybe too much, but when you are talking to a Dr. about your not even 2 day old preemie baby and they say "We do not know what is wrong with your baby" It is scary. I spent as much time up there at the hospital as humanly possible. We later found out that she had apnea and reflux. She spent almost a full year on a apnea monitor and she is still on meds for reflux.

Boo was a slow talker, at 2 she was still not speaking. I remember moving back from CA and going to a friends house who has a child 3 days younger than my boo. Her daughter at one point said "Mommy, lets go outside and play" I almost burst into tears. After we left ODD who was almost 12 looked at me and said "something is wrong with boo" We ended up getting speech therapy and it was the best thing we could ever do for her.

Anyway, I am just amazed at what Boo can do. I signed her up for swimming lessons because since we live in Florida, during the summer we spend a lot of time at the beach and the pool, and she has a fear of water. I cannot believe how she has taken to the lessons, she is like a fishy, all kicking and having the best time ever. She loves it. This has also helped her come out of her shell. A year ago if you had so much as said hello she would have probably burst into tears and came running for me.

I am just so impressed with how much she has grown. Not just physically, but emotionally. She has been through so much in her life and she has proven that you can overcome things.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Struggling Lately

This has been on my mind a lot lately and I am really stressing over this.

I lost my job last March and still have not been able to find one. I worked as a Secretary and really they are a dime a dozen. I decided a couple of months ago that I would go back to school to finally get a degree. I will be going after my paralegal degree, although it will take 2 yrs to get. At least in 2 years I will have more earning potential.

Anyway, they last week or so I have been super depressed over the fact that I have no job. I have applied for so many jobs that it is not even funny. The problem is the economy, and I am worried. Yes, I have my man, who takes care of me more than I could ever ask for, but I never wanted to be dependent on him.

I really wish I could find a job, at this point even a part time job would work. I cannot find anything and it is wearing really bad on me.

I guess I should focus on the future and realize that although I do not have a job, at least I have my health and my family. Which is more than some people have.

Ok, I will not stress so much about this, at least I am lucky and my man knows I am looking and not once has he pressured me to find something. I am very lucky and I do know this.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Message Boards and the drama

Right now it looks like not to many people like me..Oh well.

I had posted about CS and my X, and boy did I offend some people on a message board that I have been going to for about 7 yrs. They made it seem that since I am not working, (I was laid off due to budget cuts) that I am not allowed to get upset since x did nothing to notify me, child support or anyone else for that matter. He could not even be responsible enough to file for unemployement.

Then when I posted that I am trying to better myself by going back to school they made it sound like how dare I go back to school, and still want to collect CS. I was so upset I was sitting here at my computer crying because these people do not know me, have no idea what has happened in my life.

Then these same people blasted me for allowing FI to support my children and I, like I do nothing to contribute to our household expenses. The way I look at it is that we are in a partnership and we work together on everything. Since I am not working then he picks up the slack, I would do the same thing for him in a heartbeat.

I decided to take a break from that message board, I will still be lurking but I will not post, my feelings are to raw at this point. I have been treated like shit by too many people and finally had the courage and the strength to make my life better and I do not need people in it who bring me down.

Anyway, that is what is going on with me today.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Purely A Vent

This is purely a vent about X2, who I refer to as Loser boy. I do receive child support from him, via child support enforcement. I had to fight for what I do get. He has 2 other kids so employers can only take a certain amount. Well last summer he lost his job and I only found out when I called CSE and they told me it looked like he was receiving unemployement benefits. I did receive a small portion of that, say 20% of what I was supposed to be getting, but the point was is that he could not be man enough to either call me or go down to CSE to let them know. Well back in October he got his old job back and then I had to fight to have them take out the CS, all was fine for a bit. I never receive the full amount but at least I was getting something.

Well I know when he gets paid and know how cs works so a payment is due so I went down there today and they are showing nothing, and actually told me to contact him to see what the problem is. Well we have zero contact, I have sole custody of boo and he only gets supervised visits. I have not seen or spoken to him since August 2007. I do not have a current phone number for him.

So today I ended up calling his boss. His boss has always been very nice to me. I found out that he was let go, and with this economy I cannot really blame LB, but I do blame him for not contacting CSE. He has a responsibility to boo. She does cost money and kids are not cheap.

I am annoyed once again that I have to fight for just a little bit of money is that owed. It will once again take months to even find out where he is working when he does get a job.

At this point he just got remarried and is on a 2 week honeymoon. I am annoyed that he puts boo bear last. Always has, and always will.

If I could afford to I would tell him to shove the damn child support up his ass.

I hate him, I really do. Makes me wonder what I ever saw in him. He always treated me like shit. Oh well my life is so much better now. Screw him.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Man, weddings are expensive

I have been married before, ok, 2x, but I have never had a "wedding" so needless to say, I am happy, and excited, and nervous. I have been shopping for my dress for months. I had about given up because I just cannot see spending over 1000 dollars for a dress I am going to wear once. Then one night I was on ebay and decided to look for a dress there. I found it, custom made for me. It is beautiful. I go and pick it up in the morning.

So now back to the wedding, I really think that if you put the word wedding in front of anything it goes up 200 percent, take wedding flowers, a normal boquet of flowers to put in your home is what 50 dollars. I have looked into flowers and the cheapest I have found is 400 dollars. I refuse to pay that for something that is going to die before I even get to the reception.

Since we are paying for this ourselves I have been trying to cut corners. I got my dress of ebay, my girls got inexpensive dresses, FI works with a guy who took my pictures last year and offered to do our pictures for free. It is his gift to us. I do not have to buy fancy shoes that I will only wear once, since I am getting married on the beach I am wearing flip flops from Old Navy, which BTW is the best place to buy flip flops.

I decided that I will have ODD15 do our hair, just to save some money, well I want a little fancy hair accesory for my hair, ok, since you put wedding in front of it, something that you would normally pay 5 dollars for is now 50 dollars. Ok, whatever.

FI and I are going this weekend to order our cake, so we shall see how much this is. I am sure it will not be cheap.

I just have to remember that this is one day, and we do not want to pay for it for the rest of our lives. I want it to be nice and beautiful, but classy at the same time. I really do not want it to look cheap.

I was stressing a lot, now I am just stressing a little. Here's to hoping the wedding comes together the way I want it too.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Acid Reflux Problems

I have always been pretty healthy, no problems with my health other than when I am pregnant, so when I got sick last summer it was miserable.

It all started when I made some mozzeralla sticks, I really love those things so I decided to make some for me and the girls. Awhile after I just felt sick, I was belching like a drunken sailor on leave. I figured it would stop after a bit, but nope, it was horrific, FI being the wonderful prince that he is went to the store and bought everything he could think of for the problem. This went on for a month, the belching would ease up for a bit maybe even for a day or two and then it would start all over again. Finally one night we ended up in the ER where they did tests and pumped me full of medicine did they say that it was acid reflux. They wanted to give me a script but of course I said I was fine. I have been taking otc stuff since then, usually I just take a pill in the AM and I am good. Well for a couple of days last month I forgot and I was fine, so I decided not to take them every day to just switch to every other day and it was working just fine, until today. I was at Target with FI and I felt the pain coming, so as soon as I got home I took a pill, but it does not seem to be working. FI thinks I should go to the dr and I suppose I willm but for the meantime it just stinks that I am having this pain.

I am really trying to plan this wedding and it is all coming together and now I feel like crud, and have to avoid all these spicy foods. Oh well, I guess this is a sign that I am getting older. I really guess that I am not 16 anymore.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Planning the wedding

I am getting married in June and although this is not the first time I am getting married I am really excited. With my other marriages it was different, with my first one I was young, 18 and pregnant and his mom planned the whole thing. I really did not have much say so in the matter, I just kind of just rolled with it and showed up since I was young and naive and really did not know any different. With my second marriage, we just went to the courthouse and got married. Now with my prince, he has never been married and I want to have everything perfect. I have been stressing for months over this. We are also paying for this ourselves so I am trying to watch what we do spend. Anyway, when I was shopping for my dress since I have never had one I could not find one in the price range I wanted that I really wanted, and forgive me for saying this, but really spending over a grand for a dress that I am going to wear once is beyond crazy IMO. I finally found one, and of all places on EBAY. I am waiting on it now and it should be here within the next month.

Now since we are getting married on the beach, I needed flip flops, and since I have a tendency to have a bit of OCD, I focus on one thing and am really not happy until the issue is resolved. I really wanted wedding flip flops all cute and that. Every single pair I found either on line or in the store I hated, so finally I said "Old Navy it is" I live in ON flip flops. So now I have a brand new pair of ON white flip flops.

Now, I finally have the girls' dresses, Boo was easy, we found an adorable pink easter dress for her that is fancy enough for the wedding and is inexpensive. Gotta love Target, and we found a pair of fancy white flip flops at OB for her. She is all set.

Now onto my older girls, ODD15 is shaped like my Mom, big breasted and full figured. MDD15 is tall and thin, so anything fits her. We went to the bridal shop on Thursday afternoon, and ODD hated the dress that we had originally picked out, the day before she loved it and could not wait to get it, but once it was on it was the ugliest dress ever. She must have tried on 20 dresses and nothing worked or so she thought. Finally I blew up and said, fine, if this is how you are going to act I am done, lets go, you do not have to be in the wedding, she finally agreed on a dress but the fit pitching is really for a 3 yr old. MDD13, got a really cute dress, and it was on sale for 59 dollars so I am happy about that. We have to wait to get ODD's dress, since they did not have it in stock. Then they have to alter it because it is too long. The joys of teenagers.

Now I am about to work on the wedding invitations and am really excited about this. My prince's parents really never thought that they would see the day that their son would get married, so this is very exciting for them. Anyway, I really feel like this is all coming together and cannot wait.

I am sure that once the wedding gets closer I will be posting on here a lot more about this.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Shopping and my girls

I am getting married in June..yes, again. Anyway, I have been busy planning the wedding and I will admit I have a tad of OCD, so I have a tendency to go overboard on things. Anyway, I have my dress, and I have Boo's dress, and so I have been going round and round with my older two about dresses, for months, one likes one thing and the other doesn't. Then one of them does not like the colors I have picked, (pink and purple) They have actually said that they think my colors are ugly...ok whatever.

Anyway, I finally had it, my wedding is fast approaching and I am a planner by nature, and like things planned way in advance. Anyway, I went there and talked to a planner and we talked and she showed me some dresses and gave me a catalog, I went to the girls last night and said, pick one together, or I will pick it. First they could not agree and then ODD15 picked one that was 250 or something like that. I said to her, you do realize that I have to buy 2 of these right? They finally found one and I am so happy about that. We go tonight to have them fitted. Then they should be in about April, so plenty of time for any more fittings or anything like that.

So what I have learned that maybe I did not know about teenage girls is that they really only think of themselves and in case you did not know the world revolves around them.

Sometimes, I really think that kids, especially girls, are so much better when they are little, say, like, 5 yr old. They are all snuggly and warm and think that you actually hung the moon, and could do no wrong.

Anyway, I am hoping that this fitting with the girls tonight goes off with little to no drama. Keep your fingers crossed.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Internet Safety and my girls

I never thought that I would be posting something like this but here I am. Yesterday my man got a call from his buddy who works for the police dept in the computer forensics dept. J, the friend basically tears apart the computers of sexual predators who have internet porn of children on the computers. So J calls my man because a guy that was just arrested had tons of photos of children, young preteen to teen girls on his computer and said that one of the pictures could be my middle daughter, so I call J, and he says I really need a picture of T (middle daughter) from summer of 2007. He did say that he was pretty sure that it was not her, so I emailed him several of her. He calls me back and it was her. I started yelling, OMG over and over again. I was so freaked out and still am. He did say there was nothing inappropiate about the picture. We had originally thought it had come from either my older daughter's myspace page or my middle daughters one. When I finally saw the picture I knew that the picture was never on myspace.

I am still unsure how this whack job did get the picture, but I did talk to the both of them about internet safety and what not to share and things like this.

I am beyond angry, these are my children, and it was my job to protect them and I feel like I have in a way let them down. I know I need to let go of the anger and just be thankful that this sicko did not contact them or anything like this.

The good news is that this moron is looking at no less than 10 yrs and more likely 15-20.

I guess what I am saying is that you need to watch your children and what they do at all times. It could very well be innocent, your kid takes a picture and emails it to their friend, it just has a snowball effect.

I am just so glad that we have J, otherwise we would have never known about this.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Being sick sucks

It all started Friday, Boo woke up and was not feeling well. I honestly thought it was her asthma so I kept her home from VPK so we could get it under control. Saturday she still felt bad but I thought she was on the mend, I brought out her froggy humidifier and she was once again her happy 5 yr old self.

Then it hit me, Saturday night when I went to bed I felt fine, but about 1AM I woke up with pains all over my body and this horrible cough. I got up Sunday and could not even stomache the coffee. I slept most of the day and only had a glass of orange juice. Thank god for my man, he took care of me and the girls, he is such a good man. Even though I slept most of the day I was still asleep by 8 on Sunday night.

Then this morning I woke up and still felt horrible and now my allergies are acting up. When I say my allergies are acting up I mean a horrible, itchy, red rash all over my body, it stinks, and if you do not look closely you think I have a sunburn, so then you have people making comments like "looks like you got some sun this weekend" No you idiot it is my allergies. Of course I could take some allergy meds for it, but the only ones that actually work is the prescription ones, that also knock me out for 2 days so that is not an option.

Did I mention I hate being sick? Being sick and being a Mom is no joy, you still have to do the same things but you cannot relax and just sleep, nope you still have to get the kids ready, take them to school and so on. I guess I cannot complain too much because I have the best man ever, who took care of me all day yesterday and let me sleep. What a great guy I have, but of course he had to go to work today, so I had to get up and do all the things I had to do...oh well, such is life.

Anyway, I hope I feel better tomorrow I have so much to do for the wedding and not a lot of time, I feel the clock ticking.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

What a difference two years makes

The last two years of my life have been so amazing. Just two years ago I was in a horribly abusive marriage with no way to get out. I was scared shitless on a daily basis, was made to feel like the crap on my then husbands shoe, from now on the X will be known as LB-Loser Boy. The last two years of my marriage I had my daughter J sleep with me because I feared for her safety. Horrible things happened that to this day if I let my mind wander I go back to that point in time. I have literally woken up to see where I am at thinking I am at that place in my life. I am thankful I am not.

I am not sure what really gave me the courage to leave LB. I think that I just could not go on living my life the way I was. I was scared to go home, I wanted out and I knew that by not leaving I was teaching my girls that being in a abusive marriage was ok. When I left I basically left with the clothes on my back and some clothes for my children and of course baby pictures of them, but I was glad that I no longer had to fear for my life. I was glad that I was in control of my life, that I no longer let someone control who I spoke to, where I went and how much money I spent.

It was not an easy transition, very hard in fact, I was being stalked by him, he broke into my bank account, drove by at crazy hours at where I was staying, and I would get these crazy, scary text messages at all hours of the night. I was hardly sleeping and had no idea what to do about the situation, all I know was that I had to protect all of my children, most especially the child I had with him, J, AKA Boo. I tried being nice to him and that made him think that I wanted to get back with him, which was the farthest thing I ever wanted, when I tried being short and to the point that set him off the edge and I was scared, literally scared for my life. I finally think that he realized that I was not coming back to him and he would still stalk me but it got better, I did end up getting a protective order, and that worked for awhile, but when it was not renewed then he would stalk me via the internet, he has finally stopped, mainly because he has no idea where I do live and I have done everything to insure that he has no access to my child. I was very fortunate and was able to get sole custody of Boo and he only gets supervised visits which he has never used. I am very happy that he is indeed out of my life.

When I met the love of my life I was shocked that someone could be so amazing. At the time I met him I was done with men, I was content with just raising my girls and living my life. Then one day at work my computer broke and one of the techs came to fix it, lucky for me he had no idea what he was doing and it took him two days to do it. On the second day, the man of my dreams came, which he will be known as Prince Charming. We got to talking and I admit I was flirting, and I was immediately attracted to him but really I thought I had so much baggage that really who would want to go out with me? When he asked me out to lunch and I got there and we sat down I was just speechless, I felt sparks like I have never felt before and he felt the same way, as he told me later on.

I was just amazed at how well he treated me, even now he still treats me the same way. I honestly think that I need the following to make my life complete.
1) I need to go shopping (not every day but I need something pretty every once in awhile.)
2) I need to spend time with my girls and really talk to them and get some alone time with them.
3) I need to be told that I am pretty even when I am not feeling it.

Prince charming does this and daily. He gets me the way noone else ever has, he makes me happy and loved. He adores me and knows what I need when I need it. I also get him and noone ever has. Every single day we work at our relationship and it shows. I have never wanted something to work so much and neither has he.

I am just so vey glad that I was able to get out of the situation and move on and hopefully I have taught my daughters that there is a way out, I just wish that I had left years ago, but at least I can finally say that I left and am in a much better place.

Friday, February 27, 2009

My first post

Where do I begin? I never thought that I would have a blog, sure when I was younger I had a diary, but that was different, I was the only one who saw that, or so I had hoped, but this is for everyone to see. I guess I will introduce myself for anyone who actually read this, be warned, my life is pretty boring.

As you have gathered my name is Janet, I live in Florida with my children, ages 15, 13, and 5. I am getting remarried this June to the most amazing man I have ever met. He treats me like a princess and loves me the way that I have always wanted to be loved. He puts me first and treats my children wonderful.

I was working for the State and loved it, but because of the economy I lost my job and have not been able to find another one. I decided to go back to school and finally get my degree. I start in May and am really excited for the future.

Anyway, I look forward to posting more and hopefully my posts will not be as boring as this one.