Thursday, March 5, 2009

Shopping and my girls

I am getting married in June..yes, again. Anyway, I have been busy planning the wedding and I will admit I have a tad of OCD, so I have a tendency to go overboard on things. Anyway, I have my dress, and I have Boo's dress, and so I have been going round and round with my older two about dresses, for months, one likes one thing and the other doesn't. Then one of them does not like the colors I have picked, (pink and purple) They have actually said that they think my colors are ugly...ok whatever.

Anyway, I finally had it, my wedding is fast approaching and I am a planner by nature, and like things planned way in advance. Anyway, I went there and talked to a planner and we talked and she showed me some dresses and gave me a catalog, I went to the girls last night and said, pick one together, or I will pick it. First they could not agree and then ODD15 picked one that was 250 or something like that. I said to her, you do realize that I have to buy 2 of these right? They finally found one and I am so happy about that. We go tonight to have them fitted. Then they should be in about April, so plenty of time for any more fittings or anything like that.

So what I have learned that maybe I did not know about teenage girls is that they really only think of themselves and in case you did not know the world revolves around them.

Sometimes, I really think that kids, especially girls, are so much better when they are little, say, like, 5 yr old. They are all snuggly and warm and think that you actually hung the moon, and could do no wrong.

Anyway, I am hoping that this fitting with the girls tonight goes off with little to no drama. Keep your fingers crossed.

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